Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Do Horrible Cold Sores Mean I'll Die?

...I KEEP getting cold sores on my lip. It is ruining my life because no one wants to kiss someone with these horrible things....

...My mum said I should go to our doctor, but I couldn't because then she might find out I had given someone oral...

Do Horrible Cold Sores Mean I'll Die?

Hot Treatment For Cold Sores: It Works For Me

...The standard treatment is anti-viral cream such as acyclovir, which is also available in tablet form for more severe cases.

However, a new device that zaps cold sores with infra-red light claims to heal cold sores in half the time...

...After several years of trial and error on more than 400 patients he hit on one particular wavelength of infra-red light (1072 nanometre narrow waveband) which could reduce healing time significantly....

...outbreak of cold sores that she was suffering from not only cleared up more quickly than they had with anti-viral cream, but she has not had a recurrence since...

It Works For Me: Hot Treatment For Cold Sores