Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Helpful Dietary Changes

The herpes simplex virus has a high requirement for the amino acid, arginine.

On the other hand, the amino acid, lysine, inhibits viral replication.

Therefore, a diet that is low in arginine and high in lysine may help prevent or treat herpes outbreaks. Several studies have shown that increasing lysine intake can reduce the recurrence rate of cold sores.

Although people with herpes simplex reportedly consume about the same amount of arginine and lysine in their diet as do people without cold sores it is conceivable that adjusting the intake of these amino acids may be beneficial.

For that reason, many doctors advise people with cold sores to avoid foods with high arginine-to-lysine ratios, such as nuts, peanuts, and chocolate. Nonfat yogurt and other nonfat dairy can be a healthful way to increase lysine intake.